“Human Frailty"
"The human body is such a magnificent machine; a creation that possesses many secrets, many of which we are still learning.
It has the ability to completely rebuild after a crippling by the unknown, and does
so in a manner that we learn a little bit about daily."
These thoughts were the premise for this series of work. It was a visual reporting on two patients who experienced similar medical mysteries that ravaged their bodies, and turned fit, healthy bodies into frail, dilapidated beings. In the midst of this crippling, somehow these bodies managed to rebuild and heal fully.
I decided to explore and represent those moments through a series of medical images (MRI, CAT-SCAN) that explain the events of both patients’ experiences.
I chose to paint these images as a personal explanation to help me understand some of the what I witnessed first hand as I spent time with both patients.
"The human body is such a magnificent machine; a creation that possesses many secrets, many of which we are still learning.
It has the ability to completely rebuild after a crippling by the unknown, and does
so in a manner that we learn a little bit about daily."
These thoughts were the premise for this series of work. It was a visual reporting on two patients who experienced similar medical mysteries that ravaged their bodies, and turned fit, healthy bodies into frail, dilapidated beings. In the midst of this crippling, somehow these bodies managed to rebuild and heal fully.
I decided to explore and represent those moments through a series of medical images (MRI, CAT-SCAN) that explain the events of both patients’ experiences.
I chose to paint these images as a personal explanation to help me understand some of the what I witnessed first hand as I spent time with both patients.